Dermatomiositis juvenil


2.8. Other tests

1. Tests for the evaluation of swallowing function:

Impairment in the formation and/or propulsion of the food bolus is frequent in the patient with JDM due to weakness of the muscles involved in this function. Most cases are asymptomatic, although coughing with ingestion, changes in voice tone (due to laryngeal involvement) and/or choking may occasionally occur. No relationship has been observed between the degree of muscle weakness and the presence of swallowing impairment, so it is recommended that all patients with JDM be screened at baseline, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms, by speech and language assessment and barium or videofluoroscopy.

2. Tests to assess for the presence of calcinosis:
All patients diagnosed with JDM should be screened for the presence of calcinosis, discussed in other chapters. To this end, they recommend a complete examination of the patient by palpation, aided, if necessary, by plain radiography of the suspicious area.


Videofluoroscopy (Wikimedia)


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Lun, 16/10/2023 - 09:53