Paediatric melanoma

Melanoma is on the rise in both adults and children. Paediatric melanoma, usually defined as melanoma happening in patients younger than 21 years, is rare. And because of its rarity, they are not well characterized. The diagnosis is often difficult to establish due to melanoma may present as a nonspecific, non-pigmented lesion or benign-appearing lesion. The fundamental difference of paediatric melanoma is that the process of mutation is accelerated by a genetic predisposition of the patient increasing the changes to get DNA damage by UV radiation.
This material of paediatric melanoma covers the basics about what is melanoma, what happens in children and what it is known until now. This material is in constant evolution and further revisions will be done twice per year. If you have information to add to the content, please, send us an email to info@share4rare.org.