Duchenne muscular dystrophy


Useful resources

DMD care videos

DMD family guide

Duchenne Parent Project Spain

Duchenne UK FAQs

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Skeletal muscle definition

Muscular Dystrophy Association - DMD description

Muscular Dystrophy UK - DMD description

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

Treat-NMD - DMD

Revision history

This material has been produced by different specialists including a neurologist focused on neuromuscular disorders from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the John Walton Center in UK (Dr. Michela Guglieri), and has been reviewed by different empowered caregivers of DMD patients: Sally Hofmeister, secretary of the World Duchenne Organization; and Marisol Montolio, Scientific Director of the Duchenne Parent Project (Spain).

Last modified
08 October 2019