Paediatric palliative care

Palliative care tries to optimise the patient's quality of life when living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. The approach is centred on the patient and the family when having a progressive or advanced disease with little or no prospect of cure.
To this end, usually, a multidisciplinary team of health professionals identify and treat symptoms which may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social.
In this section, we have identified paediatric palliative care resources from:
- Palliative Care Australia (PCA): https://palliativecare.org.au/children
- Together for Short Lives UK (TSL): https://www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/
For further information, go to the correspondent section or just click on these links.
In this book
- A Family Companion
- Finding Reliable Information
- Where will my child be cared for?
- Decision Making
- Looking after yourself while caring for your child
- Helping your Partner
- Sibling Support
- Supporting someone who is caring for a seriously ill child
- What to expect in the final days
- Siblings & Grief
- Spiritual, Religious and Cultural Wishes
- Teachers supporting students at school
- Supporting someone who is grieving the loss of a child