Share4Rare Team

Funding for the best collaborative research initiative: extension of the deadline for the Share4Rare Call4Projects

research study rare diseases share4rare
We have extended the submission deadline and will award some funding to the best initiative. We look forward to your collaborative research project proposal!

In response to inquiries and requests from those interested in this year's project call, Share4Rare will grant funding to the best collaborative research initiative based on data reported by patients/caregivers that is submitted within the established deadline.

Among the proposals received, the one with the highest score will be awarded €6,000, based on the following criteria: (1) degree of patient involvement in the research, and (2) impact on the rare disease patient community.

new deadline call4projects share4rare 2024

Consequently, the deadline for proposal submissions has been extended to August 31st. The new timeline for the call is as follows:

  • 07/15/2024: Deadline to contact Share4Rare and request an online advisory meeting. Submission of the Contact Form and Pre-Proposal is mandatory.
  • 08/31/2024: Deadline for proposal submission (Application Form and Financial Commitment Letter).

This new timeline provides more time for patient organisations and research teams to submit their proposal (Contact Form and Pre-Proposal) and discuss it with the Share4Rare team through an online meeting, as well as to submit the Application Form.

The types of research projects that may be selected are diverse: natural history studies of a disease, symptom clusters, disease burden assessments, effects of interventions on quality of life for patients and caregivers, validation of scales, or patient registries that include data beyond strictly clinical and epidemiological information.

Share4Rare is a research platform for rare diseases where patients or caregivers can directly contribute by providing their data for various research studies hosted on the platform.

Click here to access the Participation Guidelines.

We welcome you to Share4Rare to drive research in rare diseases!

Documents of the call
