Epidermolysis bullosa


2. Baby daily care

EB is classified into 4 major subtypes, as explained in Chapter 1: EB Simplex, Junctional EB, Dystrophic EB, and Kindler EB. The symptoms and health affectation vary greatly among these different types of EB, and even within this classification, there are additional subtypes with different levels of severity and patterns of disease manifestation. Consequently, it is crucial to tailor the treatment to each individual rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach, as every patient is unique.

Understanding this is highly important when performing daily care routines for the baby. Each baby will require distinct care based primarily on the type of EB, whether there is generalised body affectation, or if there is affectation of the oral or oesophageal mucosa, among other factors.


Last modified
18 August 2023