Share4Rare Team

Share4Rare will host a webinar on the 2024 research project call

Baner webinar Share4Rare call4projects May 9
Join us on May 9th for insights on the 2024 research project call.

Share4Rare aims to enhance research on rare diseases through collaborative knowledge generation. The platform provides researchers with a secure infrastructure to conduct their investigations, accompanied by a team of professionals trained to provide personalised support and facilitate the research process.

In connection of patient-driven research, Share4Rare has launched a new call for research projects on rare diseases. Targeted at research teams, patient associations, or other clinical profiles related to rare disease research, the requirement is to have their funding for project development. The Share4Rare team will assist throughout the entire research process

Baner 4th share4rare call4projects

In this context, we are conducting an informative webinar covering the functioning of Share4Rare as a research platform, the services offered by the Share4Rare team for project implementation, and the procedure for this year's call.

Webinar may 9th english share4rare

The webinar (in English) is scheduled for Thursday, May 9th at 4:00 PMYou can register here.

