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Melanoma Patient Network Europe

Melanoma - back at the Edge

Young girls' hands on the beach with sand in a sunny day
Next March 22-24th the Annual Conference of the Melanoma Patient Network Europe will be celebrated in Brussels

MPNE, the Melanoma Patient Network Europe, is a network of melanoma patients and carers that connects people across language barriers in Europe to make sure correct information and support reaches any melanoma patient.

As every year, the now 6th Annual Conference of the Melanoma Patient Network Europe will take place in March, being this year located in Brussels (Belgium). The topic will be Melanoma - back at the Edge, with updates about the latest thinking in melanoma and a special focus on access, research and perspective:

  • Access- the best possible therapies are only effective if patients can actually access them. 
  • Research- what are the areas where we desperately need more research?
  • Perspective- what melanoma patients want is survival in the best quality of life possible, so it is never just about one therapy. It is about the right therapy in the right order, switching at the right point and always with a long-term perspective in mind.


As MPNE is about continuous learning, there will be training opportunities for melanoma patients to learn how to search for clinical trials, read scientific papers and how to systematically analyse issues in their country.

Most often, melanoma starts on the skin (cutaneous melanoma) in adulthood but in rarer cases also in the eye (ocular melanoma), the inner linings of the body (mucosal melanoma), hand or feet (acral melanoma) or during childhood (paediatric melanoma).

MPNE 2019’s main focus will be on cutaneous melanoma but offer special-interest sessions for rare melanomas, while MPNErare2019 (25th- 27th October 2019) will focus solely on the rare forms of melanoma.

Choose your event of interest and register!

Related diseases
Paediatric melanoma