• Meeting the partners — Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation

    “Starting in 2015, we have a dedicated department to include patients and caregivers in research projects”, explains Begonya Nafria, the hospital’s Patient Engagement in Research Coordinator. “This
  • The burden of melanoma and why we need patient-driven research

    Bettina, thank you for taking the time for this interview today. MPNE is one of the Share4Rare project partners and is launching a research project into the burden of melanoma on the platform. Could
  • Dr. Ofelia Cruz: “Patients are the main characters of the disease and research must support their needs”

    Behind every Share4Rare research project, there are great medical researchers. Dr. Ofelia Cruz is one of these professionals, and she participates in the study that seeks to detail as much as possible
  • #S4RMonth activity: The role of genetics in the diagnosis of rare diseases

    In Share4Rare we will celebrate throughout February an initiative within the framework of the activities that will take place globally as part of Rare Disease Day: #S4RMonth. Each week of February
  • An interview with Manuel Rodrigues — Expert in conjunctival melanoma

    General information on conjunctival melanoma Conjunctival melanoma (ConjMel) is an adult ocular melanoma arising from conjunctiva, the visible ocular extern mucosa covering not only the anterior part
  • Meeting the partners — UPC. How technology is used to connect and educate the rare disease world.

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution for research and higher education in engineering, architecture, sciences, and technology. By providing solid
  • The Share4Rare research project on neuromuscular rare diseases: analysing how the disease affects employment and education

    The Share4Rare platform is growing in strength, with over 900 users validated since April 2019. This growing community of rare disease patients and families is providing a secure environment for
  • Report - 3rd day of the International Congress on the Effects of COVID-19 in People with Rare Diseases

    The challenge of undiagnosed patients: challenges and needs Dr. Marcelo Andrade opened the first table of the third day of the congress. This paediatrician at the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital explained
  • Report - 1st day of the International Congress on the Effects of COVID-19 in People with Rare Diseases

    The opening of the congress was led by Patricia García, medical director of the Garrahan Hospital, a reference centre for rare diseases in Argentina. García explained the challenge that COVID-19
  • The international patient registry for COVID-19 and rare diseases is now available for clinicians

    People with a rare disease are vulnerable, but this vulnerability is currently being exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children’s Hospital, together with the Sant
  • An Interview with Marjolein van Kessel — President of Naevus Global

    Thank you, Marjolein, for taking the time to be interviewed! Could you please give us a bit of background about congenital melanocytic naevi and the issues associated with them? A congenital
  • Dr. Marcelo Andrade: "Our intention is to include patients, families and health professionals from around the world in the registry of COVID-19 and rare diseases"

    Through collaboration between Sant Joan de Déu and Garrahan Hospital, an ambitious project that connects COVID-19 and rare diseases has been developed. The initiative has supported the creation of a