• Advances in the comprehension of the physiological basis of collagen VI-related muscular dystrophy

    A new study published in Scientific Reports and led by Dr Cecilia Jiménez (IRSJD-CIBERER) provides, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the proteins (proteome) contained in the
  • Gisela Guevara — Madre de una joven con dermatomiositis juvenil

    Ana comenzó a tener problemas de salud de un día para otro. Al principio le aparecieron lesiones cutáneas en codos y rodillas que se confundieron por dermatitis atópica, pero con el tiempo los
  • What happens in a Genetics laboratory? (Part III)

    Identifying a genetic variant may be a straightforward process, but determining whether it is pathogenic – meaning it has adverse health implications – requires a profound understanding of the
  • New mechanisms causing blindness in mouse models discovered

    A multidisciplinary research team, under the leadership of geneticist Gemma Marfany, has recently published an article in the journal Redox Biology. Their study, conducted using a mouse model, reveals
  • A novel algorithm has been developed that increases the diagnosis rate of rare diseases

    One of the primary challenges faced by individuals affected by rare diseases is the timeliness of their diagnosis. Diagnosing such patients often tends to be extended in time, leading to a delay in
  • A new rare immune system disorder attributed to a mutation in the DOCK11 gene has been discovered

    The University Hospital Virgen del Rocío in Seville and the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children's Hospital · Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute have collaborated on international research that
  • 3rd Share4Rare open call for patient-driven research projects

    Research in rare diseases faces significant challenges due to the limited number of patients and geographical and linguistic barriers. In light of this, Share4Rare has made it a priority to foster the
  • What happens in a Genetics laboratory? (Part II)

    When there is suspicion of a genetic disease caused by a mutation in a specific gene, the physician will request a diagnostic test that involves analysing that particular gene in a molecular genetics
  • Study identifies genetic causes of different developmental disorders in 5,500 paediatric patients

    As explained in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the research group delved into an extensive analysis of the genomes of over 13,500 families from the United Kingdom and
  • A biobank with paediatric tumour samples, essential for research

    Paediatric cancer, also known as developmental cancer, encompasses a group of rare diseases with low prevalence. Recognising the need for specialised care, the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children's
  • What happens in a Genetics laboratory? (Part I)

    Mutations refer to changes in our genes or chromosomes. They are relatively common, and in fact, all of us carry genetic mutations. The impact of a mutation can vary, ranging from beneficial to
  • Model to investigate childhood Parkinsonism created from patient cells

    To investigate rare diseases, it is essential to create models that faithfully reproduce all their characteristics. These models can be animal (mice, fish, flies, etc.), computational (what we